Raspberry Pi Emulator
I am making an arcade machine that runs a variety of emulated retro consoles. This arcade machine runs off of the microprocessor Raspberry Pi, and I am using the Retropie operating system to do this.
Tyler W
Area of Interest
Mechanical Engineering
Bellarmine College Prep
Rising Senior
Final Milestone:
The first part of my final milestone was finishing up the side pieces of my project. This was done quickly by taking L brackets and flattening them and then attaching the triangle to the rest of the build. Each side looks like this:
I then got to making the LEDs. I started from the back and wrapped them around until I got to the platform that the joysticks were mounted on. At this point I stuck the LEDs to the top and went all the way around the perimeter until I got to the end of the other platform, where I attached them back to the side. I then went up and around the monitor, and then around the perimeter again, but this time along the bottom of it. See the final pictures for how it looks.
My last goal of this milestone was painting. I had never painted much before and I also have dysgraphia, but that did not deter me. I started by painting the red. I just used the base “Apple Red” for the color. I then went onto blue where I mixed “Admiral Blue” (dark blue) and “Caribiean” (slightly lighter than baby blue) about 1/2 and 1/2. I painted the joysticks which was a bit of a let down but that was the only thing I stuggled with there. I then had to find out how to blend the colors. I came up with the idea to create a jaged pattern for it, which worked out great!
Second Milestone
My second milestone was building the joystick for my arcade machine. The first step was to connect my xbox controller. I did this by every time I started up my pi, I ran
sudo bash -c ‘echo 1 > /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm’
emulationstation #auto
which disabled something blocking the pi from connecting to the controller. Then I went and made this line of code always run at the pi boot phase so I don’t have to do it every time. It is important to note that this is only needed for the xbox controller and not for Playstation
The second step of my second milestone was to CAD the whole arcade machine so I knew where I wanted my buttons.
emulationstation #auto