My project is to computerize the control of a remote controlled car, and then be able to view a video feed from the car over the internet.


Thomas N.

Area of Interest

Computer Science


Regis High School


Incoming Sophomore


Before this summer, I have always enjoyed working with computers and electronics, and I learned a lot by reading articles online. However, I had little hands-on experience, and I never really had the electronics skills to complete a major project. Over the past 5 weeks, I quickly learned that engineering requires a lot of perseverance, but is incredibly rewarding when you finally see your project work. I also learned a lot about practical engineering, such as how to solder properly, how to use various components like resistors and capacitors to manipulate a flow of electricity in a circuit, and how much you can accomplish with a few electronic parts, a microcontroller, and the internet. I am now also a lot more excited about engineering, and I would like to spend more of my free time working on engineering projects, like a quadcopter I am building right now. I would also like to study computer science in college and later on.

Final Milestone

For my final milestone, I added a Raspberry Pi camera to the front of the car. By adding a camera, the car can be controlled in first person view, even in another room. I used a Raspberry Pi plugin, the RPi-Cam-Web-Interface (https://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface) to send the video signal from the Raspberry Pi, which can be accessed by entering the Pi’s IP address on a computer on the same network.

Second Milestone

For my second milestone, I established communication between the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino. Since the Arduino is only there to give the servo and motor speed commands and is only capable of simpler tasks, I am using the Raspberry Pi to run the camera and internet parts of the project. Essentially, the Raspberry Pi can send a value between 1 and 100 for the steering and for the throttle. The Arduino then maps these values to the actual scale of the servo and the motor. Unfortunately, getting the devices to communicate was quite difficult and took me two weeks, as I was constantly running into problems. My first attempt was to use serial communication, which is a communication interface over USB. While theoretically the simplest, serial communication would never work properly or consistently, printing out the wrong values or not transmitting at all. I then tried I2C, which uses three wires between the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino to communicate. I2C, or inter-integrated circuit communication, is usually a protocol for components on the same circuit board, or, in this case, for two separate computers, to communicate.

Raspberry Pi Code - Python 3
import smbus, time, keyboard
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
address = 0x05
i = 1
x = 50
y = 1

def i2c():
    a = keyboard.is_pressed('a')
    d = keyboard.is_pressed('d')
    w = keyboard.is_pressed('w')
    if (a == True):
        x = 1
    elif (d == True):
        x = 100
        x = 50
    if (w == True):
        y = 40
        y = 1
       bus.write_word_data(0x05, 0x98, x)
    except IOError:
       bus.write_word_data(0x05, 0x99, y)
    except IOError:
    a = False
    d = False
    w = False

while i == 1:
    except IOError:
Arduino Code - C++

#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x05

Servo motor;
Servo servo;
int Speed = 0;
int Angle = 93;
int steering = 0;
int throttle = 0;
char char1;
char char2;
char char3;
char char4;
int receive;
int x;
int y;

void setup() {

motor.attach(10); //Setup motors, insert the digital pin that each is connected to
motor.writeMicroseconds(1500); //Arming pulse for my ESC, varies for each
Serial.begin(9600); //Only needed for printing to serial monitor
Wire.begin(5); //Start i2c

void loop() {

void Receive(int howMany) {

int receive = Wire.read();

if (receive < 101 && receive != 0){ //Looks for command values
x = receive;
else if (receive == 152){ //152 = hexadecimal of 98
throttle = x;
else if (receive == 153){ //153 = hexadecimal of 99
steering = x;
Angle = map(steering, 1, 100, 58, 127); //Map 0-100 steering values to angles
Speed = map(throttle, 1, 100, 1565 ,1700); //Map 0-100 to PWM range for the motor


void control() {

    I then used the SMBus library in Python to send the values from the Pi to the Arduino. Specifically, using the bus.write_word_data() function. With this function, I can send another value along with the actual value I want to send, 99 for steering, and 98 for throttle. For instance, if I sent bus.write_word_data(0x5, 99, 50) from the Pi, the arduino would decode that the steering should be 50, in the middle. This way, in the Arduino code, I can distinguish whether the value is for steering or for throttle.

    Unfortunately, I2C would disconnect and fail after anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, causing Python to crash. I tried a few different things, like increasing delays and checking for electrical noise, but I eventually figured out  that I can use the Try and Except functions in Python to detect when the error occurs, and restart the function.

except IOError:

    Finally, I organized the wiring and attached the computers to the car inside of their respective cases, and soldered all of the connections to make a compact and clean build.

First Milestone

    My first milestone is being able to control the car with the Arduino. This means that I have a basic platform for a computer to interface with the car, and I can control the steering and throttle through code. The servo, which manages the steering, and the electronic speed controller, which controls the speed of the motor, are controlled by PWM, or pulse width modulation. Pulse width modulation is a method of sending a signal, usually used to control the speed of electric motors or servos. It works by fluctuating between a high and low voltage, and the length of these voltage spikes, in microseconds, change the average voltage over a period of time. This voltage is what determines the command being sent. Originally, these pulses were provided by the receiver on the car, which received radio signals from the remote controller, but I plugged the servo and ESC wires directly into the Arduino’s digital output pins instead. 
    The Arduino already has a servo library built in. With the “write()” function, the user can type in a value in degrees, and the Arduino will send the correct PWM pulse length to move the servo to that angle. For the motor, I am using a function of that library called “writeMicroseconds()”, that allows you to send any PWM pulse length that you want. I then experimented with values until I found the correct PWM range to control the motor. For now, I also added two potentiometers, which you can turn to adjust voltage throughput, to control the car for testing. A potentiometer has three terminals, one of which is connected to a wiper, which divides voltage between the other two terminals and gives an output of variable voltage. All in all, this milestone was successful, although it did take me a long time to find the correct PWM range for the motor. I also learned how PWM works, and how to use it with the arduino.


For my starter project, I assembled a universal remote control kit, the TV-B-Gone. This remote control can turn most major brands of television on and off by flashing a specific signal of infrared light. This works by first pressing a button, which sends a signal to the microcontroller to begin the infrared signal sequence. The microcontroller is a small processor that stores the light sequences for different TV brands. The TV-B-Gone is powered by current from the batteries that is filtered by a low ESR capacitor, which resists changes in voltage and stabilizes the energy input. When the controller receives a signal from the button, it outputs the combinations of flashes in series as an electrical signal. The microcontroller signal voltage is then reduced by a resistor and causes an indicator LED to flash, essentially mirroring what the infrared LEDs are outputting. That same signal from the microcontroller also activates four transistors, which function as electrical switches, one for each infrared LED, causing them to flash in the correct pattern. There are two LEDs that have a wider scattering pattern and allow for a greater chance of the TV receiving the signal at close range, and two LEDs that have a narrower pattern but work at a longer range. This light then bounces around the desired space, which should turn on or off all the TVs. This project was a lot of fun, but I did run into trouble because I repeatedly cut off the ends of the power leads instead of stripping them. This meant that they ended up almost being too short, but I eventually managed to strip the ends with a little bit of length to spare. While working on this project, I learned how a TV remote works, and also learned that capacitors filter out noise in a signal.

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Bluestamp Engineering