Hi my name is Elijah, I’m a rising sophomore at Promise Academy 1 High School. I joined Blue Stamp to get more knowledge about how to create an make my projects better, and functional. My starter project was the digital metronome for music. My main project was the video game emulator using the raspberry pi.  I chose the metronome because I’m learning how to play the piano so I can create beats since I’m a rapper, and this could help me with the tempo of the instrument and the beat.  I chose the video game emulator because I’m a real video game head, and I decided that I should program certain games from play-station on to the raspberry pi.  I really enjoy blue stamp this year because it gave me more knowledge and i made new friends that help me with my projects.  Blue Stamp changed my way about technology and how it works, and I’m thankful for this opportunity, and I can’t wait to come back next year.




Final Milestone: Adding ROMS


The way to set it up was an easy process but hard to figure out because of the wires that came with it.The first thing i did to set up my screen is put it on the stand to make the screen stand straight. To make sure of that I screw the screen on real tight with the twister on the bottom of the stand. Next I plug in the power source to see if the screen will turn on. Then I plug in my HDMI cord to my screen and the raspberry pi and power up the raspberry pi. Next thing i had to do was to fix the resolution on the screen. I loaded up the configuration text on the raspberry pi and disable the over scan. The over scan help the raspberry pi to get full resolution on to the screen. After that i save the file and the pi was at its full resolution. After that i added ROM which are video games to the raspberry pi. I transfer all my files from my usb drive on to my drive and put them in different rom files in the desktop.

This is a great project i build for me to play video games. I really like the raspberry pi because its easy to access games from old systems to new systems. I would enjoy this project very much and i can’t wait to show it off at the showcase tomorrow.

Final Bill of materials:
Bill of materials


Second milestone: Configuring the XBOX 360 wireless controller

So what i did to configure my remote control is first install XBOX drive on your SD card, and plug it in back into your raspberry pi. Then i plug in my PC gaming wireless receiver to pick up the XBOX 360 controller. Now the next thing is find the XBOX drive file by typing in SUDO xboxdrv in your command terminal. Restart the raspberry pi and use the arrows on the keyboard and go to the toggle XBOX remote. Hit enter and the PI will locate the Xbox drive file, and then sync your Xbox remote to the pi and restart it. Wait for pi play to load, turn on the controller and use the joystick to navigate the pi play menu. Next use your keyboard or the remote to go to the settings, scroll down to controller setup, press all and the controller will configure and you will see the buttons that are configuring. Then after that start enjoying the games.

What makes this so special to have a wireless remote controller is it takes a short time just to configure. I had a hard time because i didn’t know what to do but until i did some research, and i got advice on how to do it i was up and playing the games in no time. I can’t wait until i use this for the games that i want to add on to the raspberry pi.


First Milestone Video

The project i’m finishing up is the video game emulator for raspberry pi. Now raspberry pi is a small computer that is fit for any project you doing. There are many different OS or operating system you can you for this device. Now if you are uploading an OS make sure the system is up to date. The reason why because some OS don’t work because it’s out to date or it works for old fashion raspberry pi’s. I pick this project because I am a video game person and i thought it would be fun to put game from SEGA to PlayStation 2 on to the pi. It took me weeks to figure it out how to set everything up and how to put ROM on to the pi. But after those troubling weeks and advice from my instructors, i finally got it to work and i upload a game on to the pi.The steps i took to created the emulator is upload my OS to my computer. The OS you have to use is Pi-play- 0.8 beta 9, because it is the most updated OS that really can help to start the raspberry pi. Next i use an SD card formatted to format the SD card. you have to do that because you want SD card to be clean before you put the compressed zip OS file on there. Since the OS file is to big for you have to format the zip file to be small to put on the SD card. To do that you need Win 32 disk format if you using a windows computer, or you use pi filter which i use since i was using a Mac book. Now insert your SD card to your computer and write the compressed zip file on to the SD card and the OS will be uploaded.

Next enter your SD card into your pi and plug it in to a screen or your desktop using a VGA cord or a HDMI cord. Now the pi play screen will load and you will see all the emulators and two games on it. What you do next is plug in your mouse and keyboard and shake your mouse and you will see the command line. Next i type sudo raspi-config, hit enter and the configuration screen will pop up. use your keyboard and scroll down to boot desktop. hit enter and scroll down to desktop log as user, hit enter and hit yes. Go down to finish and the hit yes to reboot the raspberry pi. then when the raspberry pi reboots use the mouse to go to the desktop and clear all the black stuff out of the way until you see a raspberry in the middle of the screen. Now get your USB plug it in and a message will pop up for you to open your drive. Open it and you show see the file where you put your ROM’s or your games. Next open your PIMANE folder and you will see a bunch of emulators folders. Transfer all the games you downloaded and put it to the right emulators folders. Then click on the LX terminal and type in the same command to go back to the configuration screen. Go to the boot to desktop and set it back as default so the piplay screen will appear only. Reboot your raspberry pi and enjoy your games.

I really enjoy making this video game emulator because i can play old and new game on it. The exciting thing that is really great about it is i can add games anytime i want to without using any internet connection. I would recommend that you will build and use this because you can actually make a remote controller for this and i can’t wait until to finish this project and build controller for this.

Starter Project: Digital Metronome For Music

The project i bulid was the digital metronome for music.
The digital metronome for music is a tool use to check the tempo for any instrument. This can help you understand what rate the instrument is playing. This is one great tool because anytime you play an instrument you can change the beats per minuet or BPM for short anytime when you wanna slow down or play fast. I had to use may parts and it took me a while to finish this project.

The parts I used for this project include the microcontroller.  The microcontroller is used to help make everything work and function.  It gives the metronome the codes to make everything function properly.  The LED segments go on top of the metronome motherboard.  This displays the numbers that tell the beats per minute each instrument is playing at.  The 10 micro farad capacitor helps power up the buzzer to make the clicking noise.  The .1 micro farad cap goes right next to the microcontroller.  This tool helps with the flow of the energy going through the microcontroller and the motherboard.  the resistor is a tool that gives the positive and negative energy to the battery pack.  The diode gives power to the switch to turn on the speaker.  Next item on this list is the speaker.  The speaker makes the clicking sound that tells how fast or slow the instrument is playing.  The mini power switch helps turn on the speaker to make the clicking sound.  The up and down buttons change the numbers of the beats per minute.  The battery and the battery pack helps power the metronome to make it function.

In conclusion, The digital metronome for music is a device that tells the speed of an instrument. This device can help you with your music projects, or give you advice on how fast or slow your song show be.  The metronome is one helpful tool and I’m so glad that I made one myself.

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