I learned an unbelievable amount on my journey to completing this project. I came in not knowing any of the basic skills involved in engineering. Now, I am better at self-teaching, coding for Arduino, and troubleshooting. The first couple of days working on this project I asked the counselors many questions, but as I progressed, I became more confident and interested in finding problems out on my own. Although I am not sure about my career path, working on this project has taught me that I enjoy engineering. Now, I am confident that I can emerge from BlueStamp and build something on my own.
Bill of Materials –
Final Milestone
1) For my Final Milestone, I added components that will filter out debris from excess water and recycle it by draining it back into the main water supply.
When I finished my third milestone I thought of how I could improve my project, so I decided to make it more sustainable.
2) If I recycle water the water supply will last much longer without needing to be filled up again by the owner. When the plants get watered, some of the extra water drains through the bottom. I covered the bottom of the plant holders with steel mesh so that only clean water passes through, and the soil stays in.
5) I glued the other sides of the cardboard pieces to a small pvc pipe. That covered 2 sides of my funnel.
3) Next, I cut off the bottom of my storage container and constructed a funnel to hug the corners of storage container and catch all of the water that drains through the plants.
6) Now the funnel works and the smart garden is complete!
I enjoyed being completely independent in this milestone. I did not follow any directions or even take anyone else’s ideas. This milestone was actually a modification. The modification was all my idea and I liked the idea of improving and making my project better. I think that it is a great way to culminate my days at Bluestamp with something independent. It helped me realize how much I’ve grown in just six weeks!
4) In order to create my funnel I measured and cut out four pieces of cardboard. Then I wrapped 2 of them in aluminum foil to make them waterproof. Next, I glued one side of each of the wrapped cardboard pieces to the bottom of the storage container.
7) I cannot believe that I completed my project and I am so happy that it turned out great. I cannot wait to use it and reap my harvest.
Third Milestone
Overview of how the smart garden works
The sensors receive a current and alter it
The Arduino receives a current from the sensors. If any of the currents coming from the sensors are too weak, the Arduino sends a current to the relay.
The relay receives the current and turns either the water pump or growth light from off, to on.
Water pump + Growth light
Once the water pump and growth light are on, they provide perfect conditions for the plants to flourish. Once the plants have had enough water and sunlight, the pump and light then turn off.