Robotic Arm

Atalia O

My area of interest varies, it consist of sports such as volleyball, dance and basketball. But I am also interested in the Stem Category because of my love in science and math. Coming from my point of view Math is a puzzle that takes time and dedication to solve. Who doesn’t love puzzles? Science is the future. The year 2020 is depending on Science get rid of the Corona Virus.

Grade 10

Rising Sophmore

Success Academy High School of Liberal Arts.

Building the Arm
Servos Working
Building the Car

Second Milestone!

For my second milestone, I have achieved making my protocol photon blink through MIT app inventor. MIT App Inventor is an app that allows you to make your own app and possibly take it to the play store. For example, I had to first make two buttons, the buttons ill either turn the led on the portal photon on or off. Then I had to use code blocks through MIT App Inventor yo actually code those buttons. If I pressed the button without any code behind it, nothing would happen. Then I had the code the protocol photon through a web ide. In the Web Ide, there is an example code called “Blink Code”. I used this example code to make sure that my protocol photon is connected to my kindle. The kindle is connected to the MIT App Inventor through a bar code. This milestone is going to help me with my 3rd milestone because I am going to connect both my first and second milestone.

First Milestone!

 My Intensive project would be a robotic arm that is able to move on wheels and can sense when it comes into contact with a close object. I was able to complete my robotic arm, and have all of my servos working. The code that I used, turned the servos 180 degrees. The robotic arm consists of 4 servos and they all work differently. All the servos in the arm makes the “joints” in the robotic arm work.  My first milestone was getting all of my servos working using a code that allowed them to turn 180 degrees. I used Arduino to basically connect the code that I put into my computer to my robotic arm. I am trying to achieve making my robotic arm move using arms. To get my servos to rotate 180 degrees I had to use jumper wires. The jumper wires connected my servos to the Arduino board, and then the Arduino board was connected to my computer, which has the codes that allowed the servos to turn.

Building the Arm
Servos Working
Building the Car
FInished Project
Code for rotating my servos

#include <Servo.h>
int angle;
Servo servo;

void setup () {
servo.attach(8) ;
servo. write(0);


void loop()
// scan from 0 to 180 degrees
for (angle = 10; angle < 180; angle ++)
//now scan back from 180 to 0 degrees
for (angle = 180; angle > 10; angle – )


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