Ezekiel K.
Hi my name is Zeke and I am a rising Junior at Heschel. For my starter project I made an electric dice based on these instructions. I chose this because it seemed simple and a good start with electrical engineering. This is very closed project so I could not do much but I made it so when I drop it shows a random number from 1-6. My main project is a smart punching bag. This punching bag uses accelerometers to measure the force of the punch. I use Newton’s second law to calculate the force.
Ezekiel K.
Area of Interest
Martial Arts and Engineering
Abraham Joshua Heschel High School
Rising Junior
Final Project
I have now finished my project. I have added bluetooth to the punching bag so I can see the results on my phone wirelessly. This is so when you are training you can use an armband to hold your phone so you don’t have to leave fight position when look at your results. In order to add the bluetooth I had to change my Serial coding. I added a library call SoftwareSerial that has easy to use bluetooth coding. Something that was really confusing to me was difference between the write function and the print function. The write function is strictly for variables and the print function for writing . The wiring is equally as confusing. On the bluetooth module there is a TX (Transmission) pin and a RX(Receiving) pin.Originally I connect the TX pin to the TX pin on the Arduino and the RX to the RX pin on the Arduino. But now in hindsight that doesn’t make any sense because then the receiver on the bluetooth module isn’t receiving any information and the transmission pin isn’t transmitting any thing . Later on I connect TX to RX and RX to TX and the bluetooth module worked .
Materials:Bill of Materials
Code: Smart Bag Coding
Schematic: Smart Punching Bag Wiring (pdf) Smart Punching Bag Wiring Fzz (fzz)
Stand Parts:Stand