Hi, my name is Sneha, I am a rising junior at Cupertino High School and my main project is the BITalino ECG Data Analyzer. BITalino is a hardware and software toolkit used to measure electrical activity in the skin, muscle, brain, and heart. However, my ECG data analysis only focuses on the heart. I chose this project to see how technology impacts the medical field. I thought it would be interesting to work with a simple wearable device that monitors and collects data in real time.
My greatest struggle with this project was coding in Python since I did not have much software experience. When starting my second milestone, I tried to use the program EEGrunt to do data analysis with my heart and brain sensors but it did not work with my BITalino kit. Instead, I wrote my own code to find a specific data file, create a graph, and calculate heart rate.
Overall, I learned a lot from my time at Bluestamp Engineering. First, I learned more about Python from encountering many software errors and writing the commands needed for my code in order to analyze heart rate. In addition, this experience inspired me to do more medical related projects. In the future, I plan to expand on my data analysis for each of the sensors.
Here is my Bill of Materials: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vrC-oA8gRZUCyN-Yl7pno4qXU-xRkvKnAAxuaPW7vNg/edit?usp=sharing