My starter project is the Minty Boost 3.0 kit/compact phone charger. It uses 2 AA batteries and can charge any device that uses a USB connector to charge. The project has many different mechanical parts. Because of this, it was difficult to attach the different pieces, especially since almost everything needed to be soldered. The charger has 4 capacitors, 5 resistors, an IC socket and chip, a diode, a USB hub, a battery holder, and an inductor, all of which are fairly small. I soldered 2 different types of capacitors and 3 different types of resistors. The resistors dissipate energy and the capacitors store it and smooth the input and output voltages. The diode was used to direct and control the current so that it moves in one direction. The inductor stored energy. One of the most challenging parts of the project was properly soldering everything. I managed to solder cleanly, but it was still hard to do, until the end when I finally got the hang of it. Also, I had trouble with soldering in tight spaces until I started using a new technique; melting solder on the iron and then using the iron like a pen. The main problem I ran into was that, often, the iron was too dirty to properly conduct heat and melt the solder. However, once I started “wiping” solder onto the iron and then scraping it off, it became clean enough for me to use. Overall, this starter project taught me how to solder correctly and a better understanding of basic mechanical parts.