Particle.prototype.intentHandlers = {
// register custom intent handlers
ParticleIntent: function (intent, session, response) {
var lightSlot = intent.slots.light;
var onoffSlot = intent.slots.onoff;
var statusSlot = intent.slots.statusSlot;
var dollarSlot = intent.slots.dollars;
var deviceSlot = intent.slots.devices;
var centSlot = intent.slots.cents;
var onoff = "";
var dollars = "";
var device = "";
var cent = "";
onoff = onoffSlot ? intent.slots.onoff.value : "off";
dollars = dollarSlot ? intent.slots.dollars.value : "";
device = deviceSlot ? intent.slots.devices.value : "";
cent = centSlot ? intent.slots.cents.value : "";
var status = statusSlot ? intent.slots.statusSlot.value : "";
var speakText = "";
console.log("Sensor = " + sensor);
console.log("Light = " + light);
console.log("OnOff = " + onoff);
var op = "";
var pin = "";
var pinvalue = "";
var checkBudgetInput = false;
// Replace these with action device id and access token
var deviceid = "410022000247363339343638";
var accessToken = "bd3b676c56061a314c1f7d1d455258aab7f1c0c2";
var sparkHst = "";
console.log("Host = " + sparkHst);
// Check slots and call appropriate Particle Functions
if (device == "fan"){
pin = "D3";
}else if (device == "light"){
pin = "D4";
else if(status == "shower"){
op = "getShwr";
}else if (status == "electricity"){
op = "getElec";
/*else if (cent.length > 0 && dollars == null){
op = cent;
checkBudgetInput = true;
if(dollars != null/*dollars.length > 0*/){
/*if(dollars.length > 0){
op = dollars;
if(cents.length > 0){
op += "."+cents;
op = dollars;
//response.tell(dollars + cent);
//response.tell("Im here");
checkBudgetInput = true;
if (cent != null){
op = cent;
checkBudgetInput = true;
// User is asking for temperature/pressure
if(op.length > 0){
var sparkPath = "/v1/devices/" + deviceid + "/" + op;
console.log("Path = " + sparkPath);
if (op == "getElec"){
if(op == "getElec"){
makeParticleRequest(sparkHst, sparkPath, "", accessToken, function(resp){
var json = JSON.parse(resp);
console.log(sensor + ": " + json.return_value);
if(json.return_value < 0){ //response.tell(op); response.tellWithCard("You are " + (json.return_value/-1) + " over your budget." , "Particle", "Particle!"); }else if (json.return_value == 0){ response.tellWithCard("You have not set your budget yet. Please ask particle to set your electricity budget.", "Particle", "Particle!") }else{ response.tellWithCard("You are " + json.return_value + " percent to your budget target." , "Particle", "Particle!"); } }); } }else if(checkBudgetInput){ var sparkPath = "/v1/devices/" + deviceid + "/setBgt"; var args = dollars; console.log("Path = " + sparkPath); /*if(cents == null){ }*/ if(dollars != null && cent == null){ args = dollars; //response.tell(dollars); }else if (dollars != null && cent != null){ args = dollars + "." + cent; }else if (dollars == null && cent != null){ args = "0." + cent; } makeParticleRequest(sparkHst, sparkPath, args, accessToken, function(resp){ var json = JSON.parse(resp); console.log("Budget " + json.return_value); if(dollars == null){ dollars = 0; } if(cent == null){ cent = 0; } response.tellWithCard("OK, your electricity budget is set to " + dollars + " dollars and " + cent + " cents", "Particle", "Particle!"); response.ask("Continue?"); }); checkBudgetInput = false; } } // User is asking to turn on/off lights else if(pin.length > 0){
//response.tell("Im here");
if(onoff == "on"){
pinvalue = "HIGH";
pinvalue = "LOW";
if(pin == "D3" || pin == "D4"){
var sparkPath = "/v1/devices/" + deviceid + "/turnonoff";
console.log("Path = " + sparkPath);
var args = pin + "," + pinvalue;
makeParticleRequest(sparkHst, sparkPath, args, accessToken, function(resp){
var json = JSON.parse(resp);
console.log("Temperature: " + json.return_value);
if(json.return_value == -1){
response.tellWithCard("I could not recognize your request.", "Particle", "Particle!");
}else if (json.return_value == 1){
if(pin == "D3"){
response.tellWithCard("OK, your fan is turned " + onoff, "Particle", "Particle!");
}else if (pin == "D4"){
response.tellWithCard("OK, your light is turned " + onoff, "Particle", "Particle!");
response.tellWithCard("OK, " + light + " light turned " + onoff, "Particle", "Particle!");
makeParticleRequest(sparkHst, sparkPath, "", accessToken, function(resp){
var json = JSON.parse(resp);
console.log(sensor + ": " + json.return_value);
if(json.return_value < 0){
response.tellWithCard("You are " + (json.return_value/-1) + " over your budget." , "Particle", "Particle!");
}else if (json.return_value == 0){
response.tellWithCard("You have not set your budget yet. Please ask particle to set your electricity budget.", "Particle",
response.tellWithCard("You are " + json.return_value + " percent to your budget target." , "Particle", "Particle!");
}else if(checkBudgetInput){
var sparkPath = "/v1/devices/" + deviceid + "/setBgt";
var args = dollars;
console.log("Path = " + sparkPath);
/*if(cents == null){
if(dollars != null && cent == null){
args = dollars;
}else if (dollars != null && cent != null){
args = dollars + "." + cent;
}else if (dollars == null && cent != null){
args = "0." + cent;
makeParticleRequest(sparkHst, sparkPath, args, accessToken, function(resp){
var json = JSON.parse(resp);
console.log("Budget " + json.return_value);
if(dollars == null){
dollars = 0;
if(cent == null){
cent = 0;
response.tellWithCard("OK, your electricity budget is set to " + dollars + " dollars and " + cent + " cents", "Particle", "Particle!");
checkBudgetInput = false;
response.tell("Sorry, I could not understand what you said");
/*exports.handler = function (event, context, callback) {
// Create an instance of the Particle skill.
console.log("event name: " + event.Humidity);
//var particleSkill = new Particle();
//particleSkill.execute(event, context);
callback("How ya doin", event.Humidity);
HelpIntent: function (intent, session, response) {
response.ask("You can ask me what is the temperature or humidity. You can also tell me to turn on Red or Green light!");