Ramatoulaye B.
Hi, I’m Rama and I’m rising sophomore at KIPP NYC College Prep High School – KIPP NYC. For my main project I decided to make a RFID card, which unlocks any computers based on https://learn.adafruit.com/tv-b-gone-kit/solder-it. I chose this project because I wanted to mostly focus on programing and coding.
I really enjoyed my 6 weeks at Bluestamp Engineering because I was able to learn a lot of stuff at Bluestamp about Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, and Computer engineering. I also learned a lot of stuff about coding and programming. I was able to make a RFID card that is able to unlock my computer without me typing in my password. My favorite thing doing this project was that I got to learn the different components of coding and I was able to construct my own code without anyone helping me and giving me ideas of how my code should be made and how they should be working. In the future I would like to become a computer science and I would like to take the skills that I learned at Bluestamp and apply to my career, so I could use that skills that I learned and expand more on it, so I could open my company that deals with computers and become more successful in life. During my experience at Bluestamp, I felt frustrated, angry, and sometimes I would think about giving up but all of that emotion motivated me to work hard and not let my feelings getting in the way of me completing something. That thought me to be strong and never to give up on something and I should always work hard for what I want in life. But during the experience I always felt excited when I was able to get something working, but that didn’t stop me from pushing and modifying it more so it could be able to complete a lot of stuff. Bluestamp really thought me to be independent and not always rely on other people to help me.
Ramatoulaye B.
Area of Interest
Computer Engineering
KIPP NYC College Prep
Incoming Sophomore
Final Project
Bill of Materials:
My Arduino’s Code:
Schematic design: