Final Milestone
My experience in BlueStamp has been a challenging experience. I learned that I still need practice when it comes to building and measuring accurately. I also learned that simple ideas can be the best ideas. My strengths in the program were programming the raspberry pi. Programming the raspberry pi allowed me to see that I want to go in a coding major like software engineering or game design.
Final Milestone
My final milestone is adding the Instagram module. So I basically the Instagram module works because you have to get an access token that specificated to your Instagram account. A challenge I had was getting the access token because if you don’t follow the step correctly it won’t give you your access token. I wished I have read the direction carefully than I would have got it done faster.
Third Milestone
My third milestone is getting the Spotify module and a horoscope module to work. The Spotify module had to be connected to my account so I had to go to Spotify developer to get the codes I needed for the module. The horoscope was fairly easy I had to change the horoscope from Libra to cancer. Looking back I realized that I should of pay close attention to the direction than skimming it. My final milestone I will add two more modules.
Second Milestone
My second milestone is getting the frame together. I had to adjust the frame to hold the monitor. I adjusted the frame by adding two wooden planks in the back of the frame so that the two planks are each side of the monitor holding the monitor in place. I also added a piece of wood on one of the planks so it could hold the monitor on the back so if you flip it, the monitor wouldn’t fall out. Looking back I realized the frame was much simpler to adjust than I thought. My next milestone is adding the modules to the magic mirror program.
First Milestone
SSH a secure tunnel that allows you to control your raspberry pi easier. SSH is when you to code your raspberry pi without adding a mouse or keyboard. For Chromebook, you have to download a secure shell app. For Macbook you have to go to your terminal to SSH and for windows, you have to download putty. You also need to have the I.P address of your raspberry pi.