Hello, I am Nallely and I attend KDCHS as a rising junior. For my starter project at BlueStamp Engineering, I made the exploding star color organ. My starter project operates on a 9v battery and when the attached microphone detects sound, it lights up 7 LEDs. My intensive project will be a python operated camera. By using a camera module, It takes pictures with the raspberry pi. Some modifications were made to the original script to accommodate my preferences. I choose this project because I am interested in coding on the python and working with the raspberry pi.
I am proud that I was able to complete the python camera module because I enjoyed working on the python scripts and I now know what to expect once I have a career of similar status. I learned to persevere even when there are difficulties and there are more options and also that even though the situation may change, the goal you set for yourself must remain constant. Because I utilized software the most, I have developed a passion for it and I wish to expand on the raspberry pi’s usage by successfully coding face detection and voice command. Due to this experience, I want to study applications and software. This experience also taught me that the solution to your problem will eventually be found as long as you persevere.
Main Project Documentation
My main project is a python camera module operated with the Raspberry Pi. The code takes a single picture and takes 3 loop images. The images will then be saved to the PiCam folder. The script has a deleting compound in order to erase the previous images in order to not have multiple images saved on to the Pi. Filters were also added and could be changed to suit what filter you want to apply.
The Code
To begin, you have to make a new folder in terminal to insert the pictures that you will later take. (Source)
cd $ cd Desktop mkdir PiCam
Enable the camera module in terminal
sudo raspi-config
Select Enable Camera, Enter, and Finish. Reboot.
The camera is now enabled, so open a python script. In the script, code the following(My Code) (Source)
from picamera import PiCamera from time import sleep import os execfile("delete.py") camera = PiCamera() camera.vflip = True camera.hflip = True camera.start_preview() camera.image_effect = 'negative' sleep(3) camera.capture('/home/pi/Desktop/PiCam/picture.jpg') camera.stop_preview() camera.start_preview() camera.image_effect = 'negative' for i in range (3): sleep(2) camera.capture('/home/pi/Desktop/PiCam/pic%s.jpg'%i) camera.stop_preview()
In another Python script, write the following code in order to delete the previous images that were taken:(Code)(Source [It has 79 ups]) *This code will delete all the items that are .jpg because the wildcard(*) locates all of the identified type.
import glob, os os.chdir("/home/pi/Desktop/PiCam/") filelist = glob.glob("*.jpg") for f in filelist: os.remove(f)
Final Milestone
I updated the python script that you will be able to see below my milestones. The new script has filters in order to change the view from the default camera. I also made a deleting script that will delete the previous images that were taken. The purpose of this is to make the PiCam folder less cluttered and easier to manage. Also, I used to delete the previous images constantly, so this was proven beneficial to my time. The deleting script is also available below. A folder was also made to insert all the images.
First Milestone
My intensive project is a camera after both of my previous were out of scope. I wrote a python script that will take a picture once, and the following script were 3 loop images. The python camera script was written in python 2.7. I will write a code that will delete the previous images due to the excess clutter and I usually delete the pictures manually, so it will be time efficient to write the code.
Starter Project
My starter project was able to light up when a change in sound was noted. So far what I have learned from this project is how positive and negative outputs are important within the circuits. Mid-way through the building, it was noted that I did not pay attention to the setup of the LED lights. From this I was able to learn that the placement of the components is necessary in order to have the kit function.
- The light organ uses a 9V battery. Because the LED lights(25) require more energy that than the battery provides by the the time it reached them, transistors were used in order to amplify the current. The transistors were necessary in order to allow the kit to fully work.
- In order to alter the different voltages the items on the board required, resistors were used to alter the voltage and prevent over-voltage and under-voltage.
- The electrolytic capacitor is required on the kit because due to the varying voltages on the parts of the board, the capacitors stabilize the current in order to prevent malfunction due to different voltage requirements.
- The trimmer resistor on the board is used in order to alter the lights, like speed. Because the lighting might not need manipulation, these are not obligatory.
- The 2 IC chips are required because they are a collection of the electoral components such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors. They are somewhat like the brain because they send signals to the LED lights to light up if the electrical energy that the electrode microphone sent was sufficient.
- The electoral microphone is a transducer that transfers sound energy into electrical energy. Because the energy is now electrical, it would be able to travel along the course and the IC chip would determine if the LED lights should function.