To begin my project, I soldered all of the components to my circuit board. In the process of soldering, I accidentally soldered one of the LEDs, which are polarized, incorrectly. To correct this, I had to desolder the entire LED out of the circuit. This was probably the most difficult part of making the mini POV. Once I had desoldered the LED, I re-soldered it correctly. While I was struggling with re-soldering the LED, I considered soldering in another LED, because it was less destroyed. However, I could not use the other LED, because it didn’t have a ground pin. Eventually, I was able to solder back in the original LED. My advice for anyone that is going to make this starter project is to pay attention to the polarization of the components on the circuit board, because this cost me a lot of time. Finally, I continued to solder the rest of my components, turned on the battery, and observed the light show!