First Milestone:
For my first milestone, I decided to get the bluetooth module and the accelerometer working. I ran into some difficulty with the Bluetooth module because the bluetooth module was only compatible with Android and all the electronics at my home were Apple products. Once getting my android phone from Amazon, I was able to use the bluetooth module. However, I had difficulty finding a bluetooth application to match my bluetooth module. After downloading multiple apps, I found out that the Bluetooth Terminal worked the best because it acted exactly like the serial monitor on your Arduino.
The next part of my first milestone includes the accelerometer. My first difficulty when working on the accelerometer was that the header pins were not soldered on. After learning how to solder, I was able to solder on the pins. However, when I tried to solder the pins, the pins were too close so I got the solder from different pins attached together, also called a short. This would ruin the accelerometer because the solder would conduct electricity across three pins, ruining the three pin functions. My next problem arose when trying to take off the excess solder from the three joined pins. The soldering pin could not melt the solder and the solder-wick was not picking up the solder. After many different attempts, I realized that you just needed to conduct the tip of your soldering iron with some solder to make it easier to melt the cooled solder. Removing the solder was an easy task, which was just removing it with the soldering iron and putting it into the brass wool. After removing the excess solder, I was able to get the accelerometer working. The next part for the accelerometer was the coding part. The accelerometer’s function was to find out the pitch, yaw, and roll. After surfing the web for a bit, I was able to find code (click on link to find it) that would be able to read the pitch, yaw and roll. After doing this, I modified the code to make it display the code I wanted through the bluetooth module. In the end, I was able to get the accelerometer data displaying through the bluetooth module and into the Android device, completing my first milestone.
For my second milestone, I will be working on the flex sensor.