My first milestone consisted of assembling my sensors and wiring them onto my breadboard, then testing them all in my online IoT device platform, Cayenne. The neopixel ring turns on when the threshold of light captured through the photoresistor is below the amount set into code, and can be adjusted within the Cayenne dashboard, and the piezo buzzer turns on when motion is detected and reported into the dashboard from the PIR sensor (passive infrared sensor). The DHT22 keeps track of temperature and humidity data, returning the values to the ESP8266, and eventually the Cayenne dashboard. Lastly, the NodeMcu ESP8266 controls the entire breadboard through code from the virtual Arduino IDE and is powered through my USB breakout board.
I had many issues when initially building my main project, such as IDE library issues, IoT connection issues, and fried parts. My first issue was with the code, as the libraries wouldn’t upload into the Arduino IDE, and after some troubleshooting, I was able to resolve that by accessing Github repositories. Then came the connection issues with Cayenne, as my board was connected to my computer but could not access the virtual environment, which was resolved through using hotspot connections. I was also given the wrong power supply, 12V instead of a 5V, which fried my neopixel ring, as well as messed up the rails of my breadboard, which I had to replace.
To the left, the first image i the schematic that I followed to wire my breadboard, and the second image shows the Cayenne environment that the ESP8266 accesses. The last three image shows my Neopixel ring displaying a pink color.