Over the process of completing my second milestone, I learned how a fingerprint scanner works, how to code a servo and how to control it all with a switch. A fingerprint scanner works like an optical scanner. It generates an image from the ridges and valleys of a fingerprint. During the process, I used the examples from the fingerprint scanner library to enroll my fingers into my scanner and implemented the fingerprint identification code into my keypad code. At first, I had a lot of trouble connecting the two code. My problem was that only one of the codes would work, both of them together wouldn’t work. In the end, I was able to overcome this by creating ‘int’ of both options after a code was put in. If the code was wrong, it would automatically go to the ‘int’ that was written for the option of a wrong code and likewise for the correct code. When I finally was able to connect my keypad and fingerprint scanner together, I continued on and add my servo into the mix. At first I had trouble even making the servo move within my code. Later, after I managed to have the servo rotate, I went on to try to write some servo code into my fingerprint scanner code. I created an ‘int’ at first because that was how I overcame my first problem but I didn’t know where to put it in my code. At the end, I found that putting the servo code in my fingerprint ‘int’ code was the best option. After putting the servo code into my fingerprint code, the next problem I encountered was the servo’s rotation and having it rotate the way I wanted. I had to find out which angle was which on the servo. After I finished writing my code for my keypad, fingerprint scanner, and servo, my next step was to add my switch. I realized that my switch button code would be the mother code and I had to put everything inside it. Now my code work by first turning off the circuit by turning on the switch. Then comes the keypad step where you type in the password, once the password is entered, it will check whether or not it is correct and only when it is correct will it show a teal light. If the code is wrong, a red light appears. Once the teal light in shown, the fingerprint scanner will turn on and will require the person to put their finger on it. If the fingerprint is recognized, the LED light will show green and if is isn’t recognized, red would appear. If green is shown, the servo will turn and the safe is open. After closing the safe and turning the circuit off with the switch, the servo will rotate back into ‘lock’ position.