Autonomous Plant Watering System
My project is a convenient way to water your plants when you don’t have the time to do it yourself. For my project I used an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, sensors, a pump, and a relay. It can be modified to your liking for how long you would like to water your plants and how often.
Here are the Build plan and the BOM.
I based my project off of this website.
Charlie Gross
Area of Interest
Mechanical Engineering
Junipero Serra San Mateo
Incoming Junior
BlueStamp was a great experience for me. I love to learn but had little experience in engineering. Very often the instructors would lecture us on basic things such as transistors, resistors, and a simple circuit. They also spoke about the various things that they learned in college. I had to work hard to figure out the many problems that I faced when trying to build my project. But I really enjoyed working to solve my problems. It felt really good when written code ran successfully on the screen. I had an issue for a week and tried so many different things to fix it that I ended up learning more through the troubleshooting process. I think that engineering is a path in which I would like to take in college and hopefully in my free time I will continue to build and create projects.