Hello my name is Carlos and I am class of 2015 and want to be a mechanical engineer. I go to Eastwood Academy and will be a senior next year.I am really excited to be part of this program and have experience in building new things to make the human life easier. This week I will be working with three different projects; a Grand Piano, a Digital Metronome,  and the Big Time Watch.

My week in the program help me gain experiences that I need to learn and know that will help me used them in real life. I enjoy been part of this program because I never in my life had the opportunity to be in a program like Blue Stamp for all the interesting and amazing projects that I done. Also to interact with different people and to know about their projects.

I began working the Gram Mini Piano.  When I started working the piano I though it was going to be confusing but I follow the directions and began working until I finish with it. Some of the things I did were things that I have never done before and did not any idea what they were.

Carlos' First Starter Project - BSE Houston 2014

Then my second day I finish the piano and started working the Digital Metronome. I though it was going to be much harder than the piano but it ended to be much easier then the piano. Basically how the Digital Metronome works is by keeping a beat which can be used in music to keep the beat and not skip one.

Last was the Big Time Watch was my last project. With this project it took me some time to finish it. In my third day I began with my last project which was not easy to build. First was the building of the inside of the watch and solder. Then it was the mechanical assembly by putting four layers of material for the watch. The second part was more difficult to build because it had four standoffs to put in the one or two standoffs would not fit right.

Carlos' Third Starter Project - BSE Houston 2014

Since I finish my projects early I began working with programing LED’s and making LED’s circuit’s. I began doing the basics and light them on in different patterns. Then I learn how to used analog to program LED lights. Last I worked with a RGB LED light and learned how to program it with different colors.




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Bluestamp Engineering