Cameron F.
My name is cameron freeman and i’m a rising sophomore and i attend promise academy 1 and i created the tv-b-gone has the ability to turn off multiple tude of television for all sorts of companies this creation Allows for you to be the most annoying person in the room messing with someone’s favorite show. picked this starter project because it allows me to do what I love doing and that is messing with people because my family watches tv it no one to talk to so it the tv keeps turning off they have no choice but to spend time with me.
Cameron Freeman
Area of Interest
ie Electrical Engineering
Promise Academy 1
Incoming sophomore
Final Milestone
Third Milestone
Second Milestone
First Milestone
I followed these instructions. I created an connection between two servos and two flex sensors to move the servos from 0 to 180 degrees. Using female to female wires I used the to establish an way of connect power , ground and signals.allowing the sensor to move the servos.I used an created code in to map the servo values from 460 to 710 to 0 to 180 to display degrees in the servo.