MIDI Controller

A MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interference) controller is a device that interfaces with a computer to play different sounds assigned to each button and alter the pitch or volume with sliders and knobs. Constantly looking for changes in button presses and slider movements, the code allows for an infinite number of tones to be produced; this proves to be both a useful tool in professional music production and phenomenal user experience.


Priam A

Area of Interest

Electrical Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Product Design


Choate Rosemary Hall


Incoming Junior

Final Milestone

My final milestone was the full completion of my project. Though my 3D printed enclosure hasn’t arrived, I decided to continue by ensuring that wires weren’t exposed in order to prevent short circuits and cleaning up the perf board to make it ready for installation. Equipped with 12 buttons, 2 sliders, and 4 knobs total; I can use Garageband sound libraries to use any sound I choose using the MIDI Controller.

On Demo Night, I got to explain my process in undertaking such a complex project and how I navigated solving any problems or setbacks I faced. After presenting and answering questions, I came to realize how knowledgeable about the project I was. Bringing me great joy, that moment was validation that I had worked hard for three weeks and was finally enjoying the fruits of my labor. However, I am still waiting to finish my build off with the final piece: my enclosure. Once installed, I have the potential to order novel types of switches or buttons to add on, or even include colorful LEDs to produce an even greater effect.

Overall, my experience at BlueStamp has been absolutely phenomenal. I simply couldn’t have asked for a better working environment nor group of instructors despite the harsh and unpredictable situation our country is currently facing. Each day I was excited to come to class and ready to grow as an engineer. Through the frustrating times and the satisfying ones, this was the best engineering experience I’ve ever had.

Third Milestone

Hover Box Element

Hover Box Element

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My third milestone was the assembly of all my components to create a fully connected network of buttons, sliders, and knobs that communicate to Garageband to produce music. I really enjoyed the process of soldering the wires to the perf board because, though tedious, I learned a lot about creating circuits.

Second Milestone

My second milestone was the completion of my MIDI controller’s housing using computer-aided design (CAD). The end product was a result of many hours spent learning the tools, configuring shapes to meet specific sizes and measurements, and organizing the layout of all my components to fit within the enclosure. After double-checking the file, I sent it to be 3D printed and shipped. The hardest portion of this process was definitely the many mistakes and faults I ran into at the beginning of using Autodesk. After a few hours, I think that my experience in other CAD programs helped me get to the finish line.

Creating The Enclosure

Using Autodesk Fusion 360, I designed both a box and a corresponding lid with screw holes. Within this enclosure, I will install my array of buttons and potentiometers as well as my Arduino microprocessor.

First Milestone


My miniature setup for testing the code displays the schematic through the bare wires, showing how the buttons (6) and a potentiometer (1) are connected. This small device interacts with GarageBand to produce sound.

For my first milestone, I wired up a small-scale version of the buttons, sliders, and potentiometers to work out all the issues with the code. After hours of troubleshooting, I edited the code I found online to suit the number of digital and analog components being using and then rigged my computer up to interface with the device to play musical notes.

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Bluestamp Engineering