For my Second Milestone, I removed the piezo buzzer and replaced it with a Servo motor. To get the Servo working, I had to connect the red wire on the motor to the positive rail, the brown wire to the negative rail, and the orange wire to the 12 pin on the arduino. The red and brown wire create a complete circuit which gives power to the motor while the orange wire is what transfers information back and forth between the computer and the motor. When my trash can received my trash can, I used tape to mark out areas I need to drill in order to attach the sensor and servo motor to the trash can. I also used wires to make the ultrasonic sensor a little more mobile because attaching it directly to the breadboard makes it hard to fit it into the trash can. After attaching the lid to the servo motor, I found that the servo turns too much. Thankfully, this was easily fixed with an edit to the servo.write(); command. Finally, after making sure the parts work together the way they should, I put all the pieces on the trash can. Because of the small size of the trash can, doing this was not the easiest task.