Mariama B.
Hi, I’m Mariama and I’m an upcoming sophomore at Promise Academy 1. For my starter project originally I had decided to build the Voice changer but as I was building the PCB, it was becoming too damaged to be able to function so I chose to build the Minty Boost charger. I decided to build the Minty Boost charger because I noticed it is similar to my main project, which is the charging of Lithium Polymer Batteries with a Solar Panel. With the Minty Boost charger I would have more insight on my main project and I would be building a portable charger powered by 2 AA batteries and a circuit.
When I first heard about BlueStamp I thought it would be similar to a lecture class, turns out it was nothing like how I imagined it to be. BlueStamp is actually the opposite, it requires a lot of thinking on your own and it is very hands on. The program allows you to pick your project, and build it from start to finish with little to no help. I was able to learn what a code is and how to apply it to my intensive project. I learned about different circuits and their components. I also learned how to solder certain components into specific areas on the circuit. If there’s anything my time at BlueStamp has taught me is to have fun , and that things won’t always go my way. There were times where I wanted to give up, times where I thought this isn’t for me and, times I thought I won’t be able to finish my project in time, but with the help of all my instructors I was able to persevere through all the hardships. I’m glad I came into this program because I was eager to try electrical engineering and learn to code and I did. BlueStamp has saved me a lot of time and money because now I know that I don’t want to do electrical engineering. I don’t know exactly what I want to pursue in the engineering field but I still plan on going into an engineering field in the future. Thank you BlueStamp instructors and Thank you BlueStamp!
Mariama B
Area of Interest
Computer Science, Law, Engineering
Promise Academy 1
Incoming Sophomore
Final Milestone
For my final milestone I was able to use coding to map out my battery voltage using LEDs. The way I did this was by hooking up jumper wires from the Arduino, The Battery Babysitter, and the USB port for negative and positive connections. At first I used the potentiometer to do this but then I found out that I could just code my Arduino to do the same thing the potentiometer was supposed to do. My greatest challenge was learning how to code because I had so much to learn that I didn’t know about coding. I had to learn about “ If ” and “ Then” statements and I also had to put together different libraries so that the code would upload to the Arduino. At last I was able to complete my entire project.